Car Pulls Out From Stop Sign Directly Into My Bike’s Path! I was travelling north on Union St. Car was stopped at a stop sign while travelling west on Jackson Ave. The bike directly in front of me passed in front of the stopped car. I was behind the front bike about 10 bike lengths. […]
Wow, I cannot believe we drove on Hastings, Broadway, Clark and downtown through the east side today! It was amazing! Should I put the car in Neutral on my hill parks? ANSWER: NO In A traffic circle should I signal to go straight through? ANSWER: DO WHATEVER YOU WANT THERE ARE NOT LEGAL NOR RECOMMENDED […]
Since opening here in the Vancouver area I have been struggling to paint up my car. In fact, it’s hard to find a place to paint them because the trend is plastic or vinyl stickers! Wrap your car in plastic! Who Knew! What do you think? Keep it simple or pump out lots of advertising? […]
They fall asleep. They tell you that everything is easy. They talk on their cell phone and answer calls. They show you the test area over and over and over. They stop and do errands. They go everywhere including downtown, new areas and tricky areas constantly. Each lesson is interesting with new and exciting things. […]
My eyes were wide open in today’s driving lesson because my instructor told me to turn left onto a one-way street the wrong way! WOW! I was shocked! My driving instructor uses several amazing strategies to get me to really understand the depth of being safe while moving this 2000 kg machine. In past sessions, […]
Many clients I meet face fear during their driving lessons. Fear is a healthy part of driving and has its place but I don’t think it should be a regular feeling. When the fear comes one should look at it as a moment to truly listen and reflect on what just occurred. We call this […] In their blog, they map out the many dangerour zones for bikers. Amazing and interesting even when you do not bike! It’s a conversation that comes up in nearly every driving lesson! Bike safety is Driver safety! Increase your awareness! It is a rapidly changing time! Say current! Stay safe.
I passed even after parking on the white line! Why do you think this is? Many drivers are very concerned about parking properly for the ICBC exam. With that added exam pressure, it can be a challenge to get your car into the proper place safely. Being able to park all five types of parks is […]
Two big issues I see that harm a new learner during their first driving lesson: 1. dumping all content as all being equal in importance. There are core components of driving that are always more important than other items. Suggesting that the 350 things the driving instructor told you are all of equal importance is […]
Find a car. Find someone who knows how to operate the car. Drive the car. Voila! A Driving Lesson! Licensing and Legal are the first part of any driving lesson. This is typically managed by the owner of the car however it’s important to take note that YOU the new driver take on the responsibility […]
I had to dig out the driver’s handbook to prove that it was needed for the test. In fact, as a driver, you should be totally in command of the tool called car. So I added a few more details to help them best prepare. Failing an ICBC driving test in the first 30 seconds […]
I grew up in Ontario, and spent seven years driving in China before moving to B.C. three years ago. My first shift driving special needs bus surprised me when pedestrians would step out in front of the bus! I then learned that it’s a law here at every intersection allowing pedestrians to cross at the […]
Great info here on streets, transportation, driving, traffic, traffic calming, boating, rail safety, parking, meters, parking permits, PNE backyard parking, road closures, traffic cameras, limos, quadricycles, bridges, docks and boat ramps,
I just arrived in Vancouver. So many questions and so many steps to figure out how the driver’s license works here. My web search finds 600+ driving schools filling my computer screen bumper to bumper. ( ICBC reports 846 schools in B.C. ) How do I decide? Which are scams and which are authentic? Pick […]
Look at this photo. How many drivers are tailgating? How many drivers are not tailgating? I count ten tailgating. What do you do? Have you thought about it? Or are you simply following the pack, which moves less than 1-second following distance or less on average? When I teach 2 or 3 seconds of following, […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


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Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.