- They fall asleep.
- They tell you that everything is easy.
- They talk on their cell phone and answer calls.
- They show you the test area over and over and over.
- They stop and do errands.
- They go everywhere including downtown, new areas and tricky areas constantly.
- Each lesson is interesting with new and exciting things.
- In each lesson, you are encouraged to become more independent.

Is The Game Of Driving Similar To Other Games?
Does knowing the rules of a game improve your performance?
Are there opposing teams in this game: ICBC examiners, law enforcement, flow of traffic driving?
Do you know what the real rule book looks like? Have you ever seen it?
Do you know the percentage of failure in this driving game?
And what is failure in this game? A close call? A collision? An injury? A fatality?
Vancouver British Columbia Canada Driving School
Quality Driver Training
Come Find These Answers Here
Before you learn the Hard Way!
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