The trauma course is designed as a “how-to” course.  Most days are theoretical, to give participants an understanding and familiarity with issues and procedures relating to special needs populations and the medical communities.  As well they are introduced to research materials dealing with these issues and how to access further research materials.  Other days involve hands-on learning of assessment protocols, counselling techniques, and methodologies employed with these populations.  The Trauma course is a heavy reading course and the first section will be forwarded to the participants three weeks prior to commencement of the program.  All participants must choose a population and they may only focus on one group per session of the course.  This course is run as a seminar so all individuals are responsible to bring the findings of their literature review to the class for discussion and dialogue.

High-level driving training targeted at senior trainers with extensive training and experience in road safety, driver education, training trainers, fleets trainers, senior driving educators and trainers in both private and public corporations.