The entire set of cars ahead of you goes red. Dozens of red brake lights light up, indicating that the whole flow ahead of you is slowing. What do you do? Wast until the last second to slow because maybe they will be gone by the time you get there? Or do you want to […]
“Oh so let us toot the horn. Just give it a quick toot toot,” I calmly ask the new driver. “What,” the first new driver responds, “You want me to toot the horn?” “Well I don’t want to right now because there are cars around.” replies the second driver. Bang bang bang goes the third […]
Cooper where are you driving to hit so many flats? My Answer: Everywhere! I have certain priorities in life which are very different than most other schools. Of all the many adventures I’ve had the joy of experiencing LEARNING has always been my main motivator. Learning has always been my main motivator. And learning to […]
Actually, it was a very long screw deep in my beautiful $300+ tires. My morning walk around where I pick out the small rocks (you can see in the top right of the photo) from between the treads, uncovered this thin silver gem. My brain knew to look this morning because the day previous I […]
As you approach an intersection what do your eyes do? Are you doing a quick pre intersection scan looking first left, then centre, then right and then back left again? Do you know why it’s LCRL and not RCLR? Do you know why it’s L before R? Gently try this scan for a week, and […]
Good drivers can adapt, be flexible and change with the ever-changing environment and traffic flow. Bad driver resists the changes and often gets entrenched into automatic habits. Challenge yourself here… WEEK-ONE: following distance Look at the space ahead of you and estimate how many car lengths you follow the car ahead of you. “3 or […]
Anxiety is so powerful it blanks our my vision totally. I cannot process anything around me. Sometimes I lock onto one thing ahead of us and everything else goes blank. Other times I notice that there is so much going on around us that I cannot think – totally overwhlemed! COOPERS SUGGESTION Consider various settings, […]
Test day. Did not sleep well. I worried tossed and turned all night. Woke early. Ate more muffins than normal. Plus leftovers. Full stomach. I worry about the mask requirement and fogging up my glasses. Must practise the mask. On goes my N95 tight fit. I heard the tape on the top of the mask […]
ICBC 1 meter
Often a driver or pedestrian makes an obvious mistakes and steps out into the wrong places in traffic. I know of drivers who get as close as they can to these confused drivers or pedestrians in an attempt to teach them that they were wrong. I have seen drivers intentionally block other cars from getting […]
Northern Ontario with Snow halfway up the front door of my mom’s home. Every winter, we would travel to ski hills in the area and drive drive drive. In time I learned to love the snow and yet be very cautious of other drivers. News Headlines flood the TV with Ice and Snow, Causing 450 […]
This course is about how drivers make decisions, what information is required to make accurate decisions, what type of strategies drivers use to assess relevant information and the type of decision errors that lead to violations and/or crash involvement. Potential evaluators are trained to use an eye mirror and how to interpret behavioural indicators so […]
This workshop will allow a group of senior instructors to administer the workshop on how cooperative driving differs from other types of driving in subtle as well as in very obvious ways. Using this model may help in preparing new drivers to maintain many of the learned behaviours they acquired to pass the road test […]
The trauma course is designed as a “how-to” course. Most days are theoretical, to give participants an understanding and familiarity with issues and procedures relating to special needs populations and the medical communities. As well they are introduced to research materials dealing with these issues and how to access further research materials. Other days involve […]
Have you seen one around town! Is it legal? You may be surprised by the answer! And what about these? Legal?

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.