You have eight years of driving experience in your home country. Your driving test is coming up in a week. To pass your ICBC TEST, you need to master two main areas: ICBC Examiners Requirements & Your Eight Years of Habits. AREA01: ICBC Examiners Requirements SHORT TERM MEMORY (few hours) Learn To Drive Smart  Tuning Up the Driver A […]
Clients often inquire about the what I think the most common reason for failing a road test. I consistently highlight the significance of avoiding speeding in a 30 zone.Many individuals then acknowledge the importance, noting they need to pay attention to those white 30 signs. This approach is akin to the ANSWER method I encountered […]
This common teaching approach gets you a license but might not prepare you for long-term driving. Understanding the ‘why’ behind each skill is crucial for lasting confidence. I know how to drive. I passed both driving tests the first time with zero problems. But the method I learned was following the voice of my instructor. […]
Driving tests both Class 5 and Class 7 confirmations clearly show two times on your Road Test Day. 3:20 PM 3:35 PM
Don’t look at the parked cars tight on both sides as we drive down the narrow residential street. So then, what do you look at? How about aiming for the middle of the empty space between the cars? Don’t think of failing versus focusing on the primary task of driving properly. 90% to 95% of […]
And why so many training schools avoid it. Fast Vision Downtown is a perfect environment with endless signs, restrictions, painted road markings, confusing one-ways to two-ways, bike lanes, cars and trucks, all super close! Downtown is a test to prove your eyes can move quickly and constantly, yet continue to control your car, follow the […]
Most test centers have specifically marked Road Test parking spots. What parking spot is your car in? This is the first question ICBC asks you when you register. But all the spots of filled! WHAT DO YOU DO as panic slowly seeps in? Finding parking at any time, given all the odd signs related to […]
A while back I wrote about heavy traffic. Today I talk about why it’s very difficult to train someone in this kind of congestion and how it does not help your test day preparation. Recently a client booked a rushed session the day prior to their driving test. This kind of request is very common […]
This is a typical response to meeting a slow-driving school car when moving along on your normal A to B get-there-as-fast-as-you-can route. For my high-anxiety drivers, we routinely pay attention to rear-flowing traffic and move off the road allowing faster cars to pass, which enables us to carry on our calm driving without pressure from […]
To pass you must be able to vary your skills and perform in a set range and NOT go outside the limits. each score is not represented by just one number each score is not represented by only two options such as good or bad or right or wrong driving is a set of movements […]
This occurs and, sadly, is a real problem. Yes, there are drivers out there without coverage on their cars. This is also why you must ensure you are adequately insured each time you drive. Costs associated with a collision are more extensive than most of us know because most of the costs are buried and […]
Parking Brake Bumps PRNDL Restart the Restart the Restart Parking Brake – Driving away with the parking brake on can hurt your car. This is an instant fail on your driving test because you are harming the car. An unsafe car equals an unsafe driver equals failed test. It also demonstrates that you are not […]
Text me Cooper directly at 236 998 4268 Tell me what you need, and I will reply back with times/dates. Or you can ask me questions, and I will answer everything, even if you don’t hire me. You can also leave your number, and I will call you back, although its typically late evening, 9 pm […]
“Cancelled scheduled appointments six times in three months, several on the same day!” “…sent 3 different cars – 2 of which were an hour before my driving test!” “…never stopped talking about their FAMILY!“ “Said everything I did was PERFECT!” “Repeatedly told me all the things I struggled with were EASY!“ A major portion of […]
Two books are the basic foundation of driving instruction here in British Columbia. Learn to Drive Smart and Tuning Up For Drivers. Additionally, the driving instructor’s course teaches the Motor Vehicle Act laws Division 27 which regulars driver training in BC, plus the instructor learns how to write lesson plans. Testing includes division 27 laws […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.