Relocated to British Columbia in 2019 following 13 years of teaching in Ontario, focusing on full insurance programs for new drivers and company drivers defensive driving programs. Spent an additional three years conducting applied research studies on various risks and crash potentials including cell phone usage. Established a practice in British Columbia in 2020, specializing […]
Question: I genuinely want to achieve a calm level of driving. What would you suggest is a concrete step towards this goal? Answer: Love Your Car! At first, I feared the sharp kitchen knives. Slowly acquiring more skill overcame the fear. Chainsaws at first caused great anxiety, but over time I learned to enjoy working with a […]
My best friend ran a stop sign partially covered by a tree at age 19. The dump truck nearly killed him as it smashed his 550cc motorbike into unrecognizable pieces. He spent the next five years relearning to walk and talk. We had been driving everything motorized since the age of 12. We thought we […]
We BLUE CAR were changing lanes. I checked, and checked my rear mirror. The lane beside was clear. I signaled and started to move left. My friend in the front seat touched my arm and delayed my movement to my left. He saw the RED CAR moving into the same lane at the same time […]
Amazing explanation of how much technology controls intersections. air tubes – pressure plates – copper coil – loops – video detection
Mom and son are on the way to school. Mom is living through multiple leading causes of external stress. Divorce, recently closed her own salon and obvious financial strain. Plus in the opening scenes, she’s fired by her lead client. Forgetfulness, being consistently late, and being disorganized are obvious behaviours she demonstrates as a result […] Your First Twenty Hours The fine muscles in your ankles and wrists take time to develop and give your foot and hands accurate enough control to move the car smoothly. Merging your hands and feet with your eyes so they all work as a single unit also takes time to develop to move smoothly. […]
Valuable Strategy to Avoid Trouble While Driving Three problems appear at the same time in the same space on your way to work: narrow roadway + fella unloading his car standing in the street side + bike rider coming towards us. Split the problems apart so you can deal with them one at a time. […]
Often partners of my new drivers suggest that it’s important to have a very high degree of skill with the car including the mechanics and how the car works. Modern cars are designed to make it easy to drive, minimal knowledge required. But once you hit the legal roads with signs rules laws bylaws and […]
You will face this tremendous internal conflict when preparing with your driving school for your big ICBC test day. The scene is Granville bridge, currently under construction with posted speed maximums at 30 km/hr. Let me set the stage first with the facts: Your driving test is five days from today.You have driven for several […]
Those fine details while driving are everywhere. Switching from the simple back to the complex from big awareness back to reading the fine print is driving. WELCOME TO DRIVING!
Listening to a driving instruction is different than doing it.Doing it, like you are an actor, at least looks right.Doing it because you genuinely understand and believe it should be the goal. Understanding is deeper, longer-term learning. “Be confident.”“Act confident.”“I am confident.” Recently I have several clients say to me, “I feel confident. I feel […]
A short little toot toot! 1/10 of a second each. Easy short taps on the horn. This tells those near you to watch out and look around. Very friendly. Simple. Easy. The further away you toot, the kinder and easier it is for their ears to hear you and their eyes to flicker around to […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.