DRIVER A Runs the red light. It’s daylight and the driver can see all four directions for two blocks each way. No other road users’ insight. It’s free and clear to go. The driver keeps their speed constant and drives straight through the red light. DRIVER B Runs a red light. It’s daylight and the […]
I love it when I go for a spin with a group of friends and one of them drives. Occasionally some object gets too close to our car and the driver starts to speak louder and louder, “hey hey Hey HEy HEY HEY HEY!” Often to the point of screaming at the top of his […]
My best friend missed a simple stop sign at a 4-way intersection partially hidden by an overgrown tree. He wasn’t trained to scan all signage in four directions. He only checked his side. He didn’t look for another stop sign on the other side of the road with its corresponding fat white stop line, which […]
In Ontario’s Highway Traffic Act has the right of way is mentioned once. SEE HERE In British Columbia’s Motor Vehicle Act has the right of way is mentioned 7 times. SEE HERE However in both places, has the right of way is only mentioned in relation to pedestrians crossing the road at intersections, or lights, […]
A very good video showing several examples of tires losing traction on the roads. You cannot steer – you cannot stop! WHAT DO YOU DO? A wide variety of slippery surfaces from dry pavement to sheet ice. Watch how different vehicles handle the situation. In one instance you will see a truck with chains on […]
Often drivers who struggle to pass a test or struggle to get comfortable with driving are trying to manage all the complex pieces of driving without first building a core skillset to build the complexities on top of. A very important part of the ICBC driving test is keeping your car in the proper position […]
ANSWER: THREE YEARS OR MORE How long did it take you to learn to ski, play hockey or any other sport that required skill and development time for your body to get into shape? How long did it take you to learn Photoshop or earn your new job, or how to work the remote control […]
It took a while but finally, they started doing blind spot checks on the right turns. One check as you signal right and move closer to the right curb as you set up the turn positioning and block out space to your right preventing anyone from squeezing in between the car and the right curb. […]
The majority of my clients both last year and so far this year are female. Average age for all clients last year was 27 yrs of age, ranging from 16 yrs of age to 66 years of age. Prior to moving to B.C. my average client age was 17 years of age with ages ranging […]
The street was narrow. Parked cars beside us and a cement divider running down the entire roadway to my left. On the other side of this divider were two very narrow lanes with a yellow line in the middle-a two-way bike path. At the end of the block, a green circle sign with a black […]
SAFE DECISION Speed fails are based on going more than 54 in a 50 or 33 in a 30. Speed fails also include too slow and going 42 43 in a 50 WHEN ITS TOTALLY CLEAR and there are no issues to justify slower than 45. Speed fails also include too fast for conditions, such […]
Core beliefs start at birth and get stronger as we age. Rarely do we change these cores. I call them habits-of- our-thinking. For many, we never question these core beliefs. We allow them to rule. But under stress, while driving, like on an exam, these core beliefs may kick in and overrule what your eyes […]
“Turning right here! It is a better route to work,” states my co-worker. Yes, every passenger has a differing opinion on how best to travel. Most people choose the FASTEST as the benchmark to GOOD driving. “Ha ha I beat you there. Jeez man you drive too slow!” This public or common sense opinion never […]
Generally, as we learn, we can hold about 5+ pieces of information at the same time in our attention or in our short term memory. hold the steering wheel push more on the gas track the speedometer to keep it at 50k scan far ahead to see the green changing to yellow track the lines […]
‘You can catch that light you know!’ ‘If you go left here its faster.’ The Bugatti. If you do not know this name, just say it at the next dinner meeting and watch what sex KNOWS. It’s the faster production car one can buy. It can go as fast, if not faster than the F1 […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.