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- legal lane choices and lane positioning
- lane restrictions permissions must be obeyed including line markings
- centre of the lane, right portion of the lane, left portion of the lane
- do not tailgate
- keep 1/2 car from car ahead of you when stopped enough space to exit I needed
- move into traffic without causing them to adjust for you, or yield for you
- jump through traffic spaces safely without waiting excessively or needlessly GAPS
- do not block crosswalks
- keep your car in the precise position for both left and right turns
- keep your car safe and keep sade margins for all other road users
- stop the car BEFORE the correct positions, white line, sidewalks, edge of the roadway
- keep to the right of all spaces in a parking lot
- do not cover pavement markings when parking
- keep proper distance from railroad crossings

This information is provided to every driver following a driving test pass or fail. Everyone walks away with these five keys in print, provided by your ICBC examiner.
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