My observation of sitting beside a driver experiencing a panic attack or a sudden rush of anxiety is nothing compared to the driver’s internal experience as we both attempt to survive the incident. I observe calm and careful change to sudden and fast. Wrenching the steering one way then the other, eyes wide open locked […]
Change is difficult. stop smoking, adapt to a new job, move in with someone new, start a new relationship, end an old relationship, and break into new shoes. Change also comes in different forms;  improvement  stays the same and  gets worse.  We want the improvement kind. —– Change can come with enjoyment and not-so-fun stuff […]
Each quarter the highest speeding ticket is published… 141,833 speeding tickets were issued since the summer of 2019. That’s 155 tickets per day. 159 in 50 109 over 3.2x’s the limit 168 in 60 108 over 2.8x’s the limit 181 in 60 121 over 3x’s the limit 198 in 80 118 over 2.5x’s the limit […]
TIRF just released “addressing cannabis-impaired driving: International researchers join forces to help inform policy and legislation globally” well worth reading. Amazing information to protect all of us. Download the Cannabis & Driving fact sheet series: 1: Introduction 2: Recent Experimental Evidence 3: Recent Epidemiological Evidence 4: Cannabis-Impaired Driving Detection & Toxicology 5: Policy & Legislative […]
This continued conversation about Risk and Driving in Canada started in a previous post What’s the Risk In Driving A Car? I think it’s important to realize that risk is constantly changing and present every time you leave your home. Crossing borders into another country or driving across another province changes the risk numbers. But […]
Text your name, address etc… Your Legal Name Your Name (commonly used) Your Address License Number License Class Blurb about you and what you need Sign Corp Policy Page Please text the above information to Cooper at 236.998.4268 or send it to [email protected]. We send back possible times in your area Schedules often go back […]
This is the most popular question I hear during my Vancouver Driving Lessons. Transport Canada has published the fatal and injured numbers here for the year 2020. And 36,000,000 is the rough population of Canada for 2020. According to this Transport Canada data, there were 1745 fatalities, 7868 serious injuries and 101,572 total injuries across […]
About 70,000 Red Light Tickets have been issued yearly in B.C. since the cameras started in the summer of 2019. This averages 192 red light tickets issued every day in B.C. SEE THE STATISTICS HERE I am out on the roads of Vancouver doing driving lessons daily. I see about 3 to 5 full no […]
140 cameras province-wide.105 monitor red light violations35 monitor both red light and speed violations. Cameras started here in the summer of 2019. Tickets go to the owner of the car. The camera activates when the vehicle enters the intersection after the light has turned red. If you’re waiting to make a left turn and you […]
“Change comes in many forms. Change to improve. Change to make it worse. Change to pretend and keep things the same.Many groups I worked for often engaged in change, believing it was good when nothing was changing, consuming time and resources, and things worsened. Change to improve is the only change that has value.Be careful […]
Today I received the new version of ICBC’s Code of Conduct rule for driver training, driving instructors and driving schools in British Columbia. Good information to know for everyone using these services to ensure you get the best result when learning to drive. 🙂 Questions, please ask. DRIVING SCHOOLS CODE OF CONDUCT
EXPERIENCED DRIVER thinks that there is Lots of Space to gently go back into traffic. NEW DRIVER thinks we are Wrong and immediately Panics thinking, How fast can I get out of here before everyone honks at me? THE SITUATION We moved right to set up a right turn on our driving lesson. As we […]
“To err is human, to forgive divine.” But an error in relation to a car can be big trouble. A car is a steel heavy 2000 kg weight which is designed to move easily as little as a small push or a slight decline with gravity down your driveway. It also gets very hot in […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.