About 70,000 Red Light Tickets have been issued yearly in B.C. since the cameras started in the summer of 2019.
This averages 192 red light tickets issued every day in B.C.

192 daily
I am out on the roads of Vancouver doing driving lessons daily. I see about 3 to 5 full no slow, running stop sign, drivers each week. This past Sunday, I watched two cars right behind one another sail straight thru a stop sign blocked by a tall truck on Joyce St.

Go see part 1, One Hundred and Forty Red Light Cameras – Part 1. Go see the map showing the location of all the cameras!

Is The Game Of Driving Similar To Other Games?
Does knowing the rules of a game improve your performance?
Are there opposing teams in this game: ICBC examiners, law enforcement, flow of traffic driving?
Do you know what the real rule book looks like? Have you ever seen it?
Do you know the percentage of failure in this driving game?
And what is failure in this game? A close call? A collision? An injury? A fatality?
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