Car A 100% at Fault I routinely look for different ways that driving risk is assessed. In this section of ICBC’s website, I found a list of thirty-three accidents showing each fault decision. Interesting to review what ICBC sees as being the ones to pay attention to. So let’s pay attention. Go read ICBC’s 33 […]
This is a typical response to meeting a slow-driving school car when moving along on your normal A to B get-there-as-fast-as-you-can route. For my high-anxiety drivers, we routinely pay attention to rear-flowing traffic and move off the road allowing faster cars to pass, which enables us to carry on our calm driving without pressure from […]
To pass you must be able to vary your skills and perform in a set range and NOT go outside the limits. each score is not represented by just one number each score is not represented by only two options such as good or bad or right or wrong driving is a set of movements […]
SESSION 30Today was our thirties driving lesson for client “B.” (20 x1.5 hours = 30 hours total driving) (30 x1.5 hours = 45 hours total driving) (40 x 1.5 hours = 60 hours total driving) SESSION 20Four weeks ago, we prepared for a possible driving test even though we knew we were not calm enough […]
ICBC is preparing to increase the length of driver’s licence number from seven to eight digits in 2023. This goes into effect July 23, 2023 due to a recent 20% increase in demand for plates. B.C. continues to grow! 7 & 8 More plates, more cars, more drivers, more driving lessons. Welcome to British Columbia! […]
FULL GAS FULL BRAKES THE DRIVERS VIEWPOINT GO READ PT1 HERE. Now let’s change perspectives. Let us view the same Full gas and Full brakes from the driver’s point of view. D R I V E R C O N F U S I O N Jumbled Lack of order Illogical Chaos Many would fault […]
FULL GAS FULL BRAKES INSTRUCTORS VIEWPOINT Many of my clients had experienced several other driving instructors before finding Cooper, maybe because they faced unique challenges that were difficult to resolve. My car is turbo with a ton of power. Recently I had an excited client who planted the gas pedal full bore down to the […]
Many clients struggle to achieve 100% performance, being totally on top of all the components of driving safely. Laws, car positioning and managing other road users must be balanced and fit together into one smooth, calculated, sure-footed motion, ready for anything that comes, including a driver’s test. Dropping fundamental skills routinely appears as a client […]
“I am trying to get the car to go straight. The steering wheel is straight, so why isn’t the car going straight?” ANSWER “Planet earth is not perfectly flat. Hence there is no such thing as straight! To steer straight, you must constantly adjust the steering. I call it micro steering.” Did they teach you […]
Well-cared good tires are super important for maximum control, always! You can count on quality tires at a quality driving school. Come see. Purchase Price $1200 Rated for lifetime usage to 60,000 KM Purchase Price $1200 Rated for lifetime usage to 70,000 KM Make sure they are Mountain and Snow Rated M&S All Weather Tired […]
IMPORTANT ICBC INFORMATION IS GIVEN TO YOU AT THE END OF YOUR DRIVING TEST THREE PAGES FIVE KEYS FIVE KEYS SUMMARY SKETCHES PASS OR FAIL FIVE KEYS gives a detailed breakdown of the required Skills and the actions you need to pass – to be successful! Every client receives this information. FIVE KEYS SUMMARY – […]
“Turning the corner while checking the blind side of the car, I think, is super dangerous. How can you check the blind side, keep the car in the right place, slow down properly and scan the intersection simultaneously? To me, this blind spot checking is a dangerous practice.” New Client I hear this everyday conversation […]
This occurs and, sadly, is a real problem. Yes, there are drivers out there without coverage on their cars. This is also why you must ensure you are adequately insured each time you drive. Costs associated with a collision are more extensive than most of us know because most of the costs are buried and […]
90% 10% 1% My most admitted mentor in road safety often stated, “the road system is extremely forgiving.” Many are unprepared for these rare incidents resulting in frequent close calls, near misses, and scarey events quickly forgotten or conveniently erased by our powerful minds. We are legally forced to pay into the insurance pool, accepting […]
This British Columbia ICBC test can be tricky to grab for several reasons. For one, there are several hundred laws in the motor vehicle act, any one of which can catch you during your 40-minute road test. DO YOU KNOW ALL OF THEM? Most of us do not know them all, and stumbling on one […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


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Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.