Vehicle “A” = 100% Vehicle ‘B” = 0% If you can’t see, you can’t go. Vision Vision Vision 100% Hope Exists when there are no Facts Faith Exists when there is no Hope Effective Solutions can only be produced with Facts Driving a car and keeping out of trouble must be built on facts. No […]
This month is my fourth year living in Vancouver. Often clients contact me outside of my teaching area and want help locating a great instructor. I have met several 5-star instructors. Currently, I have a client searching for a Spanish-speaking driving instructor. Last week it was a Vietnamese-speaking instructor. The week before, a post-crash client […]
Toot – Beep Beep – Horn Recently a past client was taking me for a tour around the city. They maneuvered my car up behind the front car, turning left at a green, just-turned-yellow light change. The front car was waiting before turning left, waiting for the head-on traffic and crossing pedestrians to clear or […]
And why so many training schools avoid it. Big Vision Highway driving requires big vision or long vision. Looking way ahead of you to spot merging lanes and road signs help you set up in the proper route well forth of the changeover. Highway also requires a smooth, relaxed grip on the wheel, ensuring nothing […]
This video example shows a different country signs with language differences. But did you know that crossing from one province to the next can alos show you different signage and rules. Heck, even going from one municiplaity, Vancouver to North Vancouver, or to Burnaby, there is a shift in styles for both road paint and […]
Smell keeps up safe when it warns us of potential dangers, such as a gas leak with a rotten egg smell or smoke caused by a fire nearby. Hearing alerts us to fire engines, approaching police cars, or someone screaming for help! Both smells and sounds can alert you to potential hazards while driving, so […]
GO SEE ICBC’s DISCUSSION OF THIS CRASH CAR A – 100% AT FAULT CAR B – 0% Go read ICBC’s 33 crash discussions all of which you should be very familiar with. Read Here! 174 yielding right of way on left turn 174   When a vehicle is in an intersection and its driver intends to turn […]
We have mainly three populations that come to us. STRUGGLING TO LEARN TO DRIVE People who have struggled with other training and attempts at learning to drive. Many encountered fear, major struggle, massive discomfort, high anxiety, post-crash, or just scared or have been in a crash. Most have already worked with other driving schools and […]
-2 minutes into the start of the driving exam -turns right onto a busy 50 km/h single-lane busy road with an average flow speed of 60 km/h or more -immediately, you follow the car ahead of you 1/2 second to 3/4 second following distance -the rear car is also 1/1 to 3/4 of a second […]
Car A 100% at Fault Car B is 0 % at Fault Go read ICBC’s 33 crash discussions all of which you should be very familiar with. Read Here! Yield means, you approaching the yield sign, RED, shows that you must stop if need be and give way to all other traffic. RED versus the […]
“How can you play a game without knowing all the rules? Is not premium game playing that of knowing the rules? There are better strategies than running to score a touchdown by erroneously going to your team’s end of the field. Embarrassment is nothing in comparison to injury or death.” COOPER This driving game requires […]
This term surprises me. It is used often when I ask clients why they came to me. Why is teaching at the learner’s level such a novelty? What other type of teaching is more prevalent? WELL LET ME TELL YOU Many of the biggest schools teach from a piece of paper with a list of […]
Most calls I get from my past clients are: On the rare occasion, I get a call from an ex-client who was a passenger in a car that crashed and they ask me, What Do I Do? What Should My Driver Do? This is good to be aware of in fact it’s fairly straightforward once […]
Car A 50% at Fault Car B 50% at Fault Go read ICBC’s 33 crash discussions all of which you should be very familiar with. Read Here! Again, any lateral move must be done only when it is clear and safe to proceed laterally. On multi-lane highways, this can occur while another vehicle is also […]
“The future road, traffic and obstacles ahead of you, and related space is totally in your control. You choose how quickly you allow the future to approach. You are in control of it and can respond if you choose, not the other way around.” COOPER

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.