Many new to Canada drivers drive using a method I had never seen before. We drive up to a stop sign at a four-way intersection with four stops for all directions. As we stopped my driver watched a truck approaching in the opposite direction coming up to their stop sign. Instead of us turning our […]
Often anxiety comes from not completely understanding the laws or the design of this Game of Driving. Clarifying these misunderstandings reduces anxiety. As we struggle to overcome the fear of driving, the fun does regularly poke its head up through the chaos. I believe many of us regularly face the fear/fun balance when we drive. […]
Watch the video and see how many hazards you can spot. On a road test you must say at least half the hazards on the road ahead of you. Read these selected pages from the Drivers Handbook. Read my conclusions below. HAZARDS SECTION – Learn to Drive Smart In fact, I believe the greatest hazard […]
Yes, you the new driver must manage anyone who is kind enough to allow you to practise. Your practise person, the copilot, is gold. They are providing a great gift in allowing you to drive. Please protect this gift and ensure the well-being of your copilot. Here is how: Plan the time from start to […]
Typically learning-drivers take training at the same time of the day. For example 6:30 pm right after work. This happens with most clients. But a large group of my clients are nervous, fearful, or post-crash drivers. Many take a gentler approach to learning spread over longer time spans. They also bring into the learning large […]
Why does no one use this stop or slowdown warning? Don’t they teach it in cycling education or driving education? Or maybe there is NO EDUCATION? On the ICBC road test, they make every driver perform these signals! WHY? Did you know that these are legal but weaving on a road test can be a […]
KNOW YOUR CAR! Watch for more posts talking about the importance of knowing your car before you get to that test day.
Cooper’s Qualifications British Columbia Training Classroom Instructor Justice Institute of British Columbia Graduated License Program Driving Instructors License ICBC Airbrake Course BCDL #0384898 Commercial Professional Driver Development Program Class 4 Unrestricted License — Special Needs Bus HUB Cycling Instructor Certification Occupational First Aid Level 1 #009709 Driver Training School License DTC#: 2289 Ontario Safety League […]
This is one of the things we do best With the Internet spreading like wildfire and reaching every part of our daily life, more and more traffic is directed to websites in search for information. As a young man, I was very interested in cars and drove everything I could. Luckily the neighbour across the […]
Our work is dedicated to ALL victims and survivors of road trauma Great Respect of Calm and Time Choosing a calm, slower approach is essential to moving forward in learning to drive the car. Our approach includes: Breaking down movements into minor pieces Allowing the learner to achieve these steps at their own pace Keeping […]
Life fills our brain with experiences and events that differ for each sibling, even when we grow up in the same house. One may think it’s a fun experience. The other may think not. These core experiences accumulate and grow into habits as we enter adulthood, as we add new beliefs and new routines. Sometimes […]
Parking lots, driveways, alleyways, malls, gas stations, any roadway that is off the streets that’s not really a clearly marked street or place to drive is a SLOW SLOW SLOW land. These places cars bike people can walk move in all and any direction. And they do often without any regard for the 1500 kg […]
45 minutes before test time. You hired an instructor to drive around the general area. This driver had failed twice before at this same test center. Throughout the 45 minutes the driver took the following actions: drove over the speed limit 6 times (instant fails)slammed the brakes on 3 times nearly rear ending the car […]
WHITE Critical Regulations Rules Laws Top Most Important Pay Attention Here! YELLOW Warning Caution Hard Your Future Watch ahead These Things Are Coming! Be Pared for Them! Hello! RED Stop No Do not Do It Danger Alert Watch Out Be Extra Careful How many colours are missing here? Did your driving instructor or driving school […]
Many years ago my best friend missed ONE stop sign, visited the very edge of death, and lost 6 years of life, living in rehabilitation and learning to walk and talk again. As kids growing up, we did not learn to hunt for ALL FOUR STOP SIGN in an intersection. We also did not realize […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.