Many clients struggle to achieve 100% performance, being totally on top of all the components of driving safely. Laws, car positioning and managing other road users must be balanced and fit together into one smooth, calculated, sure-footed motion, ready for anything that comes, including a driver’s test. Dropping fundamental skills routinely appears as a client […]
Many drivers and educators refuse to discuss crash rates, injury or death related to driving. However, I believe an awareness of the fatalities statistics is valuable to help one be aware of higher risk errors or behaviours. The following information comes from a study of 4587 drivers who died in Canada from 2011 to 2015. […]
For several decades I worked in the corporate world, led there by a personal drive to understand what the Ph.D.s in the back seat of my car were doing as we purposely distracted drivers with ringing cell phones. These applied science cell phone studies with Transport Canada changed my life and threw me in a […]
1 800 950 1498 Keep these handy and close by. The quickest way to get all your ICBC services. And take notice of two recent changes at ICBC. ICBC NOW DOES STANDBY. ICBC has also started WALK-INs.
A vast majority of my licensed drivers taking retests or attempting their second level N test struggle to judge the speeds of approaching motorbikes. It seems a thinner profile as compared to a car affects their judgement. A smaller percentage completely miss seeing the motorcycle. Missing motorcycles and cyclists is more common with brand new […]
My eyes were wide open in today’s driving lesson because my instructor told me to turn left onto a one-way street the wrong way! WOW! I was shocked! My driving instructor uses several amazing strategies to get me to really understand the depth of being safe while moving this 2000 kg machine. In past sessions, […]
“I drove about 5 or 6 hours with my dad, so I think I am ok to drive your car immediately.“ We turn left from a stop sign into a busy city street. Crossing traffic has no stop signs. We immediately leave the stop position turn left into the head-on lane, unable to see any […]
The trauma course is designed as a “how-to” course. Most days are theoretical, to give participants an understanding and familiarity with issues and procedures relating to special needs populations and the medical communities. As well they are introduced to research materials dealing with these issues and how to access further research materials. Other days involve […]
SLOW IS A VERY IMPORTANT LEARNING PHASE OF DRIVING REQUIRED BEFORE YOU MOVE TO GO FAST! THESE ARE COMMON WORDS FRIENDS and FAMILY SAY TO A NEW DRIVER “Hurry Up You Are Driving So Slow.” “Drivers Behind You Will Get Pissed Off If You Don’t Move Faster.” “You Gotta Go Faster Much Faster.” “You are […]
Oh no! It’s a Student Driver right in front of us and they’re always driving so slow! Good driver vs bad driver. This sign seems to cause two very different actions from other road users. The majority of drivers give us more space, slow down and let us move into their lanes, or pause and […]
Stopping a driver from moving my car into danger occurs dozens of times a week when teaching. But having a driver suddenly yank the steering wheel hard left, at 50 km/h is a rare occurrence. Today was one of those times. While setting up a right turn the driver moved into the right-hand lane far […]
Both are spoken regularly in driver education as being important. Emergency braking and fast reactions. I can’t entirely agree with both. Or maybe it’s time someone can convince me of both. With my extensive driver education expertise, I am always willing to become a beginner once again. Until someone saves my misunderstanding, let me talk […]
Many believe that learning to drive is mainly learning information and placing it into your head, similar to storing files onto a hard drive.Yes, learning to drive places new information into your brain, but it’s also training your body like learning yoga. Starting yoga for many is simply weird.Many don’t know what to do with […]
“Sorry I wasn’t listening to you. I was concentrating on that left turn at the lights,” voices my new driver. “Sorry Sorry Can you please stop talking! I am trying to concentrate on my driving thanks,” says my new driver. “Shut Up!” hollers my new driver! Ignoring your passengers is a skill. Part of the […]
How do you work repeatedly teaching the same things every day in a car? Well… I dont teach the same things everydayits very rare I repeat the exact same instructions A better question to ask is, How Do You Be A Beginner every day when you work in the car? First, realize this. A great […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.