Again I encounter a driver who has somehow qualified to attempt the final Class 5 drivers exam having never driven a day in their entire life. How is this possible? It has now happened to me more than a dozen times so far. WTHeck? A Short Recap. The first test called 7 is for beginner […]
In my humble opinion as a driving instructor… Most if not all revert right back to their previous country’s way of driving within 5 minutes of passing the exam. Many are excited happy and very anxious to SHOW ME HOW THEY DRIVE like back home, now that they are licensed. I learned the hard way […]
A Police officer encountered this 76 driver in a residential area driving on the wrong side of the road. A full doctor’s medical review was passed with flying colours. The doctor gave the AOK to continue driving but still must pass the driving assessment. Driving School 90-minute lesson uncovered the following: rolled stop signs resolved […]
Come drive complex busy congested short blocks confusing road designs busy bikers and lots of pedestrians. My extensive training in crash research with Transport Canada cell phone studies prepared me very well in handling working with new drivers downtown in complex situations. Why are we the only driving school training in the complex downtown area? […]
“If you turn right here, it’s faster.” “You could have made that light you know.” “You don’t need to drive the speed limit you know. You can go faster!” “Slow driving is dangerous and there are laws against it in the rules of the road.” thrill versus relaxed “If you turn left here it’s slower […]
pull out your driving journal sit down immediately and write a list of essential things you need to focus on better yet, record yourself talking about the session to review later many times over and over enter a date & time and write what you did well and what areas concerned you quickly review in […]
This is found at on-ramps as you accelerate to highway speeds of 80 plus. Usually, you come from a residential 50 zone and must speed up to 80 BEFORE you enter the highway’s first lane. Drivers often notice this sign for the first time during their driving test day during the test! You see the […]
How we drive comes from a wide variety of different needs and motivations. Compare two differences here. A TO B DRIVING Kids Family Job Rush Hour A typical day of a busy family rushing through the schedule of education, work, sports, shopping, family and more. I call this the A-to-B-Driving where time and money are […]
LCR SCAN Left Centre Right Before driving through an intersection on a road test, you must check LCR. WHY? WHAT’S THE CONNECTION TO SAFETY AND SPENDING ICBC’s MONEY? While driving down a residential street, a car pulls out of their driveway, and you collide. Not that many drivers pull out of driveways, and when they […]
Yes, I got to practise a bit.  Where did you go? Um, we did the same thing we always do. We do errands. So you drive from home to grandmothers and back? Yup! Break this A to B habit.  Plan the training portion for your new driver. In the first 15 minutes, plan to circle […]
INFORMATION OVERLOAD Many clients come to me from other trainers, confused and frustrated. The instructors dumped everything they knew onto the new driver, nonstop talking and feeding endless lists of things to do. Where are the priorities? What are the stages of learning? In what order does the learning need to occur? Is not each […]
LEARN TO DRIVE SMART TUNING UP FOR DRIVER Be smart and read up on what ICBC expects on your test day. It’s the same material the examiners know so be wise, go to the source material and pass! FREE But there’s more. Ask me for the next level of research material for driving in British […]
External distractions cause many drivers to get into trouble, such as cellphones, passengers, or driving past a recently smashed-up car.  However, many of the drivers I work with struggle with internal distractions.  Examiners are staring at my faults! Will the examiner confirm ‘good driver’ or ‘bad driver’?  The examiner is not talking much and is […]
Our car is tall high up with an improved vision. Our windows are big as are the side view mirrors help you see clearer, see more, see better. The rear window has a wiper so that in rainy muddy Vancouver weather you can see. The vehicle is sure-footed, all-wheel drive with a height off the […]
Redefining Driver Education: The Calm Approach I believe driving isn’t just a skill—it’s a responsibility that shapes lives. My program challenges outdated methods, focusing instead on helping drivers rethink their mindset to avoid crashes, not just react to them. Through personalized, calm-centered training rooted in neuroscience and real-world experience, I teach you how to master […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.