Failed My Class 7 Driving Test – Now What? Today, I didn’t pass my ICBC driving test because of the following: I didn’t turn on my windshield wipers when it started to rain. I drove straight through a right-turn-only sign. I didn’t fully stop at a stop sign. These aren’t just random errors; they’re direct […]
FLOW OF TRAFFIC From a young age, we spend time in cars with friends, family, or partners, constantly learning even when we’re not paying attention. Most learners can instinctively move with the flow of traffic without focusing on the actual speed. But when you start lessons with Cooper, suddenly you have to stay within posted […]
Heavy traffic demands a clear understanding for left turns. Test Requirements for Left-Hand Turns Positioning is critical to ensuring you pass your driving test. Multiple out-of-position will add up and fail you. Learn Left Turns Right Knowing the rules for Cyclists is complicated and very dangerous. Right Turns Positioning Very Important to Pass Both positioning […]
Yes, when a client feels they’ve practiced enough and demonstrated all the main maneuvers—parking, left turns at lights, and lane changes—we set a road test date and run a series of fake tests. 🛣️📅 This is very different from our usual teamwork-based teaching. Normally, we work through each task together—side by side, with lots of […]
Over time and through many discussions, I realized that a core belief among many of my younger clients is that the highest standard in society and the best solutions to most problems come from the bureaucracy. Wow! What an eye-opener! Where the heck did that idea come from? I know that the purpose of the […]
🚗 At Cooper’s Calm Driving, we’re about more than just passing the driving test. While acing the test is important, our true focus is on teaching you the skills needed for lifelong safety on the road. 🌍 Real-World Skills Over Test Prep: Unlike many driving schools that zero in on test preparation, we prioritize real-world […]
Listening to a client who just failed a driving test can be challenging. It’s often difficult to figure out precisely what happened, as video cameras and voice recordings are not allowed, and examiners’ notes are often sparse. Emotions and embarrassment can distort the client’s recollection of events. Understanding the Client’s Context Client: “It was 3:15 […]
The day is Monday, December 19, 2022. The location is Vancouver.  The event is a Class 7 ICBC driving test.  The weather is freezing snow-packed icy roads.  Sunday Night, it snowed heavily, and I cancelled my driving lesson due to the weather. Monday, it stopped snowing, but the roads were still dangerous. I called ICBC […]
HIGHEST QUALITY EDUCATION AND INFORMATION With my lifetime of driver education, tremendous experience with fleets and all kinds of drivers, plus decades in corporate change management, you pay me solid money, hundreds or thousands of dollars… …and the night before your exam… FREE You watch a video that you paid ZERO CENTS FOR! Which any […]
I just got home after a driving lesson with a client I trained 3 years ago when I first arrived in Vancouver. I was with another school at the time but now they have 2 years of driving and are ready to attempt that big final second N test. What did they show me today? […]
-2 minutes into the start of the driving exam -turns right onto a busy 50 km/h single-lane busy road with an average flow speed of 60 km/h or more -immediately, you follow the car ahead of you 1/2 second to 3/4 second following distance -the rear car is also 1/1 to 3/4 of a second […]
Turn from the wrong lane – Red mark indicates where the driver turned left from, illegal and FAIL. Must go into the double-turn lane to make the left turn. SPEED over 30K zone – speeding in the 30 kmh zone is a FAIL Late shoulder checks – must check the lateral space beside the car […]
taking too long to take a safe gap – space between two moving cars is called the gap. When a large enough space for you to enter without interfering with the flow of other cars, go! Not going when a space comes slows the movement of traffic. I compare it to stopping to look around […]
Recently clients going for their driving tests, road test, ICBC’s driver’s licenses, both class 5 and class 7 have not needed to wear a mask for the test drive. It looks like the requirement has been dropped and is not voluntary. Masks and physical distancing are voluntary when visiting an ICBC location.​​ Sadly I cannot […]
(cut car off) – DA – Dangerous Action forced the car beside us to move on a lane change. Fail to yield right of way when moving into the adjacent lane. FAIL wide turn – Too far away from the curb on a right turn. Must follow the shape of the curb staying half a […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.