I failed my ICBC road test 3 times and it is embarrassing! Don’t tell anyone your driving test date! Several of my friends failed their driving test several times. How do I avoid this? Don’t tell anyone your driving test date! We all set up a party to celebrate my passing the driving test, but […]
INSTRUCTOR: “You are showing me that your driving habits and behaviours are not changing. You pay me to give you all the information. You then perform demonstrating this new information. But all the information is in your short-term memory, not moved into your long-term habits. So on the test day, you will not do the […]
Put the key in the ignition. Turned the key to start the car. All the dash warning lights lite up. I grabbed the shifter and moved it from P-Park to D-Drive. I let my foot off the brake and moved to the gas, pushing the gas. The car started to slowly roll backwards. I pushed […]
I wake up. I stretch. My cat stretches. We both gasp walk to the balcony and admire the morning sun. Then comes coffee, an egg, feed the kitty, and grab the news before dressing and running to work. Daily Life Habits, over time I do without thinking. We all know that we must discourage bad […]
Driving School Tips seem to be in demand with many clients asking me for the secrets to passing. Sadly I revert back to your core good driving habits as the answer. But alas here a nice easy simple shallow list of tips. bring a car that is safe and everything on the car works driving […]
Seven driving school tips to pass that B.c. Driving Test. Your drove for ten, twenty, forty hours with your friends and family. You tried the driving test and failed. WHY? Everyone said you were good. The problem is the bad driving habits of the average driver! Do not do these common driver things: Roll stop […]
First time I missed a 30 km/h in a school zone. I drove over the speed limit and failed. –SPEEDING The second time I missed seeing a pedestrian entering a crosswalk. The pedestrian was behind the steel beam that held up the roof of my car. –DANGEROUS ACTION The third time I did a three-point […]
They drove me to an area I had never driven in before. In one 30 kph zone along the side of a large school, I did 37 kph. I instantly fail. I had never driven in that area before so I didn’t know there was a 30 zone there. Speed is probably the biggest cause […]
The street was narrow. Parked cars beside us and a cement divider running down the entire roadway to my left. On the other side of this divider were two very narrow lanes with a yellow line in the middle-a two-way bike path. At the end of the block, a green circle sign with a black […]
MARY For the past year, I practised with my husband. I want to pass tomorrow’s test to avoid waiting four months to get another appointment if I fail. That’s why I hired a driving instructor today for tips and advice for passing. Driving is a complex entanglement of habits mixed up with choices and decision […]
So what happens after I pass the driving test? And why does shooting for a higher goal beyond the driving test help me on that test day? I remember when my friend told me he did 100 push-ups a day. To me, doing 20 was difficult. Then I met another friend who did 500 a […]
Last week as we drove from Vancouver to New Westminster. The rain turned to sleet, and then to snow. By the time we arrived at the New Westminster ICBC Driving Exam Center, there were several centimetres of snow on the ground. We both kept our fingers crossed and hoped that the snow would stop before […]
Driving Lesson – Learning To Drive  Includes the range of skills required to move the car exactly where you want it to be by repeating exercises that build your mastery. Errors, mistakes, successes, laughter, and struggle are all part of these times. These driving lessons involve two people working together to transfer the skills from […]
When a client feels they’ve practiced enough and demonstrated all the main maneuvers—like parking, left turns at lights, and lane changes—we set a road test date and run a series of mock tests. 🛣️📅 This is a stark contrast to our usual teamwork-based teaching approach. Typically, we tackle each task together—side by side, with plenty […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of iHaveEvolved.com Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program.

IHaveEvolved.com and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.