Completing a standard 100 to 105-hour, 3-week course (Monday to Friday, 8:30 am – 5:00 pm) is just the beginning of your career as a driving instructor. While this foundational training equips you with the necessary tools to meet regulations and start teaching it is very short of being great. The road to becoming a […]
Most driving courses focus on one goal: passing the test. But what happens after the test? Are new drivers truly prepared for the realities of the road? At Cooper Driving School, we take a different approach. We delve deep into the core beliefs and values that shape how you drive, helping you filter out the […]
At Cooper Driving School, we integrate the latest neuroscience discoveries into our training to teach you proactive offensive driving techniques that help you anticipate and navigate road dangers intelligently, ensuring safety for yourself and others. If you’re looking for more detailed information or specific strategies to improve your driving skills, let me know how I […]
THE BACK WHEELS STEER – It’s a common myth, but let’s set the record straight: only the front wheels steer. The back wheels? They just follow, getting dragged around every corner you take. NEVER SLOW THE CARS DOWN BEHIND YOU – Another myth that gets passed around. But think about it: you’re constantly stopping the […]
Drive Test Preparation Class 5 — CAN$195.00 This second-level test is a big challenge for many drivers, especially those who have not taken the similar, lower-level Class 7 test before. The class 5 test, has similar requirements to the first test but stricter criteria, including: fewer allowed faults, the addition of highway driving and conflict […]
A new Vancouver clent just talked about the glaring failure one of the bigger known local driving schools in managing their learning experience, which they took ten years ago. Here’s where they went wrong: 1️⃣ Disregarding Learner Anxiety: Instead of addressing the natural anxiety many learners bring, the driving school never voiced nor took into […]
Finding ‘good’ varies with each person. There are more than 1500 driving schools in British Columbia. You can find the entire list here… ICBC DRIVING SCHOOLS. Reddit has huge discussions on driving schools and driving instructors. which gives you many voices telling you their true experiences. This is a very different, I would argue its […]
We do not book road tests months ahead into that 180-day booking system. We use a different strategy for those who don’t want to wait three months. Step 1. We prepare for the test, ensuring that all three core skill areas are mastered to a level that gives clients the best shot at passing. Once […]
With eight years of driving experience in your home country, your ICBC test is just a week away. To succeed, focus on two main areas: ICBC Examiner Requirements and Your Eight Years of Habits. Area 1: ICBC Examiner Requirements In the short term (a few hours), concentrate on: Area 2: Your Eight Years of Habits […]
You have eight years of driving experience in your home country. Your driving test is coming up in a week. To pass your ICBC TEST, you need to master two main areas: ICBC Examiners Requirements & Your Eight Years of Habits. AREA01: ICBC Examiners Requirements SHORT TERM MEMORY (few hours) Learn To Drive Smart  Tuning Up the Driver A […]
Clients often inquire about the what I think the most common reason for failing a road test. I consistently highlight the significance of avoiding speeding in a 30 zone.Many individuals then acknowledge the importance, noting they need to pay attention to those white 30 signs. This approach is akin to the ANSWER method I encountered […]
This common teaching approach gets you a license but might not prepare you for long-term driving. Understanding the ‘why’ behind each skill is crucial for lasting confidence. I know how to drive. I passed both driving tests the first time with zero problems. But the method I learned was following the voice of my instructor. […]
Driving tests both Class 5 and Class 7 confirmations clearly show two times on your Road Test Day. 3:20 PM 3:35 PM

Cooper Talks Driving...


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Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.