Right turns need vigilant visual scanning to pass the test. Green means go but understand Waiting and Avoiding Confusion Enjoy this video about mastering right turn for your ICBC driving test. It’s your chance to showcase control, patience, and your “100% KNOWING” of everything around your car! Both setting up your positioning, tight to the […]
Different Countries, Different Driving Habits: Navigating Culture Shock “I’ve been a good driver for 10 years in my home country! I am a good driver.” This may very well be true in your country. However, most drivers in Canada also believe they are good drivers. Once you pass your license test here, you often drive […]
Lane Change Mirrors are so very important 1. Mastering Lane Change helps ALL your driving Overall: The Key to ICBC Test Success There are many steps to a lane change which all need to be achieved before one move their car laterally. Hoping it is clear is very different than KNOWING it is clear beside […]
Throughout my career in senior management, a key practice for successfully completing projects was identifying and engaging with the UDM— the Ultimate Decision Maker—within an organization. Over the years of teaching in B.C., various insights from ICBC examiners have been shared in different formats. Below is a summary of valuable tips that can help you […]
Hey new drivers! Here’s a crucial parking tip for you: It’s Not Just One Move! 🚗➡️⬅️ Many new drivers think they can park in one smooth motion. 🚀 But guess what? That’s not the case! When you watch experienced drivers in a parking lot, they focus on NOT hitting other cars and making sure they […]
1. Licensees will comply with the Motor Vehicle Act and its regulations and any other relevant and applicable law. 1.1 ​- Licensees will immediately notify ICBC should they be charged with an offence listed under  Divisions 27 or  28 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations , convicted of an offence listed under  Divisions 27​ or  28​​​ of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations , or […]
In a previous post I suggested adding a few things to the ICBC suggested practise list for New Drivers learning to drive. One of which is DRIVING DOWNTOWN. Downtown requires a priority of knowing precisely your car’s position at all times, as well as a good solid reading of signs and road markings. Drivers who […]
Discover a valuable technique for mastering manual transmission driving – self-instruction! After years of assisting novice drivers with a 5-speed standard Volkswagen, I abandoned traditional teaching methods due to their inefficiency and stress-inducing nature. Instead, I stumbled upon a cost-effective and efficient method that anyone can undertake. Here’s how: Locate a spacious, empty parking lot. […]
Toot – Beep Beep – Horn Recently a past client was taking me for a tour around the city. They maneuvered my car up behind the front car, turning left at a green, just-turned-yellow light change. The front car was waiting before turning left, waiting for the head-on traffic and crossing pedestrians to clear or […]
30 mph (48 km/h) 48 km/h (30 mph) This is a very tough way to fail a driver’s test but it happens. Recently a perfect score sheet with remarks like GOOD DRIVING, and GREAT BLIND SPOT CHECKS, still resulted in a fail! TOO SLOW! Before explaining this failure, it’s best you review two previous posts discussing the […]
SESSION 30Today was our thirties driving lesson for client “B.” (20 x1.5 hours = 30 hours total driving) (30 x1.5 hours = 45 hours total driving) (40 x 1.5 hours = 60 hours total driving) SESSION 20Four weeks ago, we prepared for a possible driving test even though we knew we were not calm enough […]
What do you do when… You Hear A Siren?See a flashing yellow light vehicle?See a blue flashing Lights?See Hazard Lights?See flashing red lights?See a car stopped in an odd location?See a car stopped at an odd location with people standing near? Flashing Red Light Emergency Vehicle Approaching! What do you do? AUDIBLEFLASHING RED LIGHTYIELD RIGHT […]
Yes, many New Canadian drivers can drive on their countries license for a certain period ( 90 days, six months other ). At some point, you will need to pass a Class 5 ‘N’ driving test. Here is the SHOCKING part. For some, you can drive alone here in British Columbia on your country’s license. […]
Spot the hazards is part of your driving test. What do you see in this picture? Compare your answer to this list: wet roadswet leavesdrivewaysrainsunshinelight trafficintersection up ahead Best to practise this several times in your driving lessons.
I passed even after parking on the white line! Why do you think this is? Many drivers are very concerned about parking properly for the ICBC exam. With that added exam pressure, it can be a challenge to get your car into the proper place safely. Being able to park all five types of parks is […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of iHaveEvolved.com Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program.

IHaveEvolved.com and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.