Can Start at 16 yrs Old
Federal Controlled All of Germany Controls all Licenses
$2000 EU and & 30 hours driving instructors & 20 lessons theory & first aid
Very hard Driving Test Fail Very Hard
GO thru all of this BEFORE you can drive with Parents
Drive on right side
signs are all symbols
not allowed to turn right on red
stop signs rare and no first come first go but rule is RIGHT before LEFT at uncontrolled intersection
cannot hold a phone must be hands free
drinking 0.5
can have open alcohol in car and can drink in car
located on this side of the intersection
lights are on pole not on wires – all wires are underground Lights go from RED to RED and YELLOW and then to Green
drive faster
more impatient

No Speed Limit and big changes in speed…. 2 to 4 lanes
trucks banned on Sundays
130 140 middle lane
left lane 130 to 300 km/h
must move out of fast lane immediately
must always drive as far right as possible
ILLEGAL to pass on the right.
Isle of Man also has no speed limits
Many parts of AutoBahn 70% do not have speed limits
30% speed limit variable limits
no speed limit sign is this…..

50 km towns and 100 km h on rural roads
no cops on side of road – have SPEEDING CAMERAS everywhere….hidden in bushed ticket in the mail….
fine less expensive 10 km over $15 EU…. or can go up to several hundred euros or lose license
smaller cars smaller lanes less space smaller country Germany… larking very tight…
honda civic is normal few big trucks.. opals bmw….. Mercedez are just normal cars… not considered a luxury brands…. ford jeep cvs… scoda Suzuki cars
no old cars – laws inspection of cars road safety and environmental inspection on license plate…. if you fail it cannot go on the road…. most all are standards 70%
all cars are standard shift
tons of cyclists……
Germany teaches heave looking for cycles
different emergency sounding alarms…
GAS is very expensive…$5.70 per gallon – get gas first then go in and pay
14 yrs or 15 yrs old Can Start IF over 18 just take exam and drive some pay $50 to get license
Controlled States or provinces Quality Varied
No training hours required maybe some ask for hours online course
test is not so hard just keep trying
can drive with parents immediately not 12-6am
Words in signs
Cna turn on red
stop signs everywhere two signs stop or 4 ways stops first come first leave

drinking 0.8
no alcohol allowed in car
located on the other side of the intersection
Lights are on wires… Light go from RED to YELLOW to GREEN
GAS $2.00 per gallon
Pay first then pump gas
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