- Carrying too much speed for the car’s wheels, traction and grip to hold you onto the road surface.
- Failing to brake in straight lines well before the corner.
- Failing to view 20+ car lengths ahead to map out what your future safe passageway contains before you enter.
- Failing to watch far ahead cars slow, brake lights, and successfully negotiate the turn before you arrive.
- Failing to understand the powerful force of the car’s weight, combined with the speed pushing you forward.
- Failing to maintain your car tire health and tread.
- Failing to monitor, read and test the road surface well before you enter the corner to plan for loose sand, snow, ice, gravel or odd surface changes.
- Failing to dump your speed and learning that the road surface is slippery long before you enter the corner.
So how many of this list do you fail to do?
How many did you learn, not learn, from your driving instructor?

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