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- consistent speeds, not too far above the limit and not too far below, speeds appropriate for the conditions
- must do complete stops at stop signs, red light and exiting parking lots
- amber is stop, is a red and must stop before entering the intersection, if not proceed with caution if unable to stop safely in time
- control the gas and brake pedals smoothly without stopping or slowing unnecessarily
- change gears with full brakes on only, do not roll the car when shifting gears, do not roll in neutral
- must prevent rolling barkwards on a hill using the brake and or the gas
- other
- cover brakes – when you see a hazard foot covers the brake in preparation to stop. Do not roll the car with stopped by relasing the brake in error.
- fully apply the parking brake when parking and fully release it when leaving.

This information is provided to every driver following a driving test pass or fail. Everyone walks away with these five keys in print, provided by your ICBC examiner.
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