When it comes to driving, the world is full of “easy answers.” Advertising often promise, “Come to us, and we’ll help you pass the test,” or even, “Our course will make you a safer driver.” These claims offer a simple solution—one small piece of the puzzle. The message is clear: take a few lessons, pass the test, and you’re good to go. But the reality of driving, just like life, isn’t that simple. The truth? No one can guarantee your future safety on the road. It’s impossible to predict every danger or prevent every risk. But far to many want to hear this! And hence it is spoken.

But I have been in driver education for decades from simple in-car training, through serious theory up to PHD applied research studies. Trust me when I say, the human brain is not simple nor is their apparent control of the car.

It’s like going to the dentist and hearing, “I fixed your teeth, so you’ll never have another cavity.” Ridiculous, right? Just like no dentist can guarantee you’ll never need dental work again, no driving school can promise you’ll stay out of trouble on the road forever. Yet, many schools will sell you this illusion: pass our test, and you’ll be a safer driver—end of story, as the continue to spit out the same content I learned 46 years ago. What? Fourty-six years they teach the same content? But the future is unknown. No one can honestly say that their course alone will keep you safe from all the risks and dangers of driving. Giving out the same answer for 46 years! WHAT!

At IHAVEEVOLVED.COM, we take a different approach—one that’s grounded in reality, not easy answers. We don’t claim to have a simple solution because there isn’t one. Driving is a lifelong journey filled with unpredictable dangers, evolving road conditions, and new technologies. The key isn’t to believe that passing a test will keep you safe—it’s to understand that the risks never go away. No course can eliminate those risks, but what we offer is lifelong insight into how to manage and face them. Sadly this is the reality.

Cooper’s method is not about giving you one answer. It’s about giving you the full picture—a true understanding of the complexities of driving. With decades of research, crash analysis, and experience in preventing accidents, Cooper lays out everything he has learned. I show you the real risks and the best strategies to avoid them, but I also acknowledge that no amount of training can predict the future. The world of driving is unpredictable, and staying safe requires you to constantly evolve.

I won’t tell you, “This course will make you safe.” What I will tell you is that the only way to stay ahead is to continue learning, continue adapting, and continue evolving. My training provides you with the tools and knowledge you need to navigate the road as safely as possible based on all the answer presented to me to date, but in the end, it’s about embracing the reality that risks will always be there every time you step out the door.

The easy answer is to take a driving course and feel confident that you’re done. But be careful cause some training increases your crash rate. Really! Can you be saying these kind of things? The real answer is to recognize that driving is an ongoing process of learning, improving, and staying vigilant. At IHAVEEVOLVED.COM, I offer you a deep understanding of driving risks and strategies, but I also offer the truth: there are no guarantees. You decide how to navigate that reality, but with my lifelong study of crashes, driving, and prevention, you’ll have the best possible foundation.

Are you ready to evolve, to face the reality of driving, and take control of your journey?

Choose one piece or gain an experienced view of the WHOLE puzzle.

But please be cautious here. Just because you don’t want to look at the other pieces of the puzzle, doesn’t mean they are not there.

In this driving game not recognizing a dangerous piece of the puzzle may drag you into trouble real fast!


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All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of iHaveEvolved.com Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program.

IHaveEvolved.com and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.