Trouble when driving often starts from events happening away from your lane or around your car. It’s like a stone dropped into water, creating spreading ripples. Imagine parked cars along the right side of the road. People are getting in and out of these parked cars. Vehicles in the right lane, next to the parked […]
My trainer is so committed to my success and learning, here is what he sent me after today’s lesson, along with a voice recording summarizing the key focus for today’s driving lesson! Amazing Vancouver Driving!
A very important tool to maintain your driver’s license for your entire life.
I often joke with my clients about managing distractions from family or friends while learning to drive. Many of them, as younger siblings, laughed when their older brothers or sisters would ask everyone to be quiet while driving. Now, as they learn to drive themselves, they understand how distracting conversations can be, especially when trying […]
Hey new drivers! Here’s a crucial parking tip for you: It’s Not Just One Move! 🚗➡️⬅️ Many new drivers think they can park in one smooth motion. 🚀 But guess what? That’s not the case! When you watch experienced drivers in a parking lot, they focus on NOT hitting other cars and making sure they […]
Recently two parents talked to me about the struggle their family faces with practising with their learning to drive family member. PARENT #1 My son is scared of the car! PARENT #2 Where can I find big parking lots to help my daughter master steering control? I often think of King Fu Martial Arts movies […]
With increasing conflicts among various road users, similar to the chaotic driving environment in Cambodia, where pedestrians, motorbikes, tuk-tuks, cars, and trucks all vie for the same space, these issues are slowly creeping into Canada. Given this trend, I decided to pursue a Bike Instructors Training Certification with a well-funded nonprofit in Vancouver. When I […]
In 1983, cell phones were invented, and by 1990, they were very common. In 1999, my morning drives to downtown Toronto from North York involved being on my work cell phone (a very big battery phones) for the entire 30-minute drive. This was the best time to manage purchasing my year’s million-dollar budget and buying […]
1. Licensees will comply with the Motor Vehicle Act and its regulations and any other relevant and applicable law. 1.1 ​- Licensees will immediately notify ICBC should they be charged with an offence listed under  Divisions 27 or  28 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations , convicted of an offence listed under  Divisions 27​ or  28​​​ of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations , or […]
In a previous post I suggested adding a few things to the ICBC suggested practise list for New Drivers learning to drive. One of which is DRIVING DOWNTOWN. Downtown requires a priority of knowing precisely your car’s position at all times, as well as a good solid reading of signs and road markings. Drivers who […]
ICBC has produced a list which you can download here. I would also suggest adding four more areas to practise in once you feel you have an overall handle on moving the car and doing all of the basic movements: Each of these areas provide a different take on the overall driver’s skill development. Variability […]
Previously we learned that the top difficulties many new driver face when lane changing is as follows: SOLUTION FOR #1 – TRY THIS 2. Also speak out loud your current speed. US 50 kmh 3. Repeat this 10 times with 10 different cars far ahead of you. 4. NEXT look at the space between the […]
A common expression spoken by drivers learning to master lane changing. “THEY WON’T LET ME IN” which is the stated reason why they cannot move over into a long lineup of vehicles ocupying the target lane we want to enter. Take note that the law does not require THE OTHER DRIVER to help you. Yes […]
Driving can be unpredictable, and even the most careful drivers can find themselves in close calls or minor collisions. While these moments are unsettling, they also provide valuable opportunities to reassess and strengthen your driving habits. Our 90-minute session is designed specifically for drivers who have recently experienced a crash or a near miss, helping […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program. and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.