“The things you teach me and talk about make sense when I drive with you, but as I move out into the public and with the flow of traffic, I slowly get trained into following the norm, the social pressure to move quickly and to follow the pack!” CLIENT “Yes, I see this new behaviour […]
Car A 100% at Fault go see example one here Go read ICBC’s 33 crash discussions all of which you should be very familiar with. Read Here! e. Car B is parked and Car A drives down the road and smacks into Car B which is parked on the side of the road. Car A […]
taking too long to take a safe gap – space between two moving cars is called the gap. When a large enough space for you to enter without interfering with the flow of other cars, go! Not going when a space comes slows the movement of traffic. I compare it to stopping to look around […]
(cut car off) – DA – Dangerous Action forced the car beside us to move on a lane change. Fail to yield right of way when moving into the adjacent lane. FAIL wide turn – Too far away from the curb on a right turn. Must follow the shape of the curb staying half a […]
Car A 100% at Fault go see example one here I routinely look for different ways that driving risk is assessed. In this section of ICBC’s website, I found a select list of thirty-three accidents showing each fault decision. Interesting to review what ICBC sees as being the ones to pay attention to. So let’s […]
Car A 100% at Fault I routinely look for different ways that driving risk is assessed. In this section of ICBC’s website, I found a list of thirty-three accidents showing each fault decision. Interesting to review what ICBC sees as being the ones to pay attention to. So let’s pay attention. Go read ICBC’s 33 […]
This is a typical response to meeting a slow-driving school car when moving along on your normal A to B get-there-as-fast-as-you-can route. For my high-anxiety drivers, we routinely pay attention to rear-flowing traffic and move off the road allowing faster cars to pass, which enables us to carry on our calm driving without pressure from […]
FULL GAS FULL BRAKES THE DRIVERS VIEWPOINT GO READ PT1 HERE. Now let’s change perspectives. Let us view the same Full gas and Full brakes from the driver’s point of view. D R I V E R C O N F U S I O N Jumbled Lack of order Illogical Chaos Many would fault […]
Yes, the goal is to be safe for the rest of your life. A great foundational understanding is to realize that the examiner’s test requirements are keys to your long-term habits of safe driving. Learn here the notes you will find on the examiner’s score sheet. Reverse Safe 360 – Reversing requires an understanding of […]
This third post is related to EMERGENCY and MAINTENANCE VEHICLE POSTS because I strongly suggest you treat the following similarly. Dump your speed, prepare to move away if possible, warn rear traffic of the oddity as soon as possible and keep scanning both your escape route and the changes in the hazard. Parked cars, parked […]
What do you do when… You Hear A Siren?See a flashing yellow light vehicle?See a blue flashing Lights?See Hazard Lights?See flashing red lights?See a car stopped in an odd location?See a car stopped at an odd location with people standing near? Way ahead on the side of the highway is a truck stopped with flashing […]
“Most traffic-related deaths and injuries worldwide occur in lower-income countries. One of the most significant factors is the speed and quality of care post car crash. Living in a high-income country provides this often unacknowledged and unseen benefit.” Come for an excellent Driving lesson In Vancouver Today! And yes, bring your anxiety 🙂 We can […]
Another Bad Year New For Walkers: Deaths Highest In 40 Years U.S. Traffic Deaths Reach 16-Year High 42,915 people died in motor vehicle crashes in 2021 – the most since 2005 and an average of 117 deaths every day. 117 deaths every day Crash deaths rose by 10.5% largest ever annual percentage increase in the […]
What do you do when… You Hear A Siren?See a flashing yellow light vehicle?See a blue flashing Lights?See Hazard Lights?See flashing red lights?See a car stopped in an odd location?See a car stopped at an odd location with people standing near? Flashing Red Light Emergency Vehicle Approaching! What do you do? AUDIBLE FLASHING RED LIGHT […]
Many drivers and educators refuse to discuss crash rates, injury or death related to driving. However, I believe an awareness of the fatalities statistics is valuable to help one be aware of higher risk errors or behaviours. The following information comes from a study of 4587 drivers who died in Canada from 2011 to 2015. […]

Cooper Talks Driving...


All materials are copyright protected and cannot be reproduced without the expressed written consent of iHaveEvolved.com Inc.


Materials presented here are for education purposes only referencing two ICBC materials,Tuning Up Drivers Manual, Learn To Drive Right Manual, training material from the 3 week Driving Instructors Licensing Program and amterials from the GLP classroom certificate Program.

IHaveEvolved.com and Todd Cooper are not responsible for any consequences that may result from use of this material. Throughout these posts references are made to acts and regulations that govern driving in British Columbia.

In the event of a difference between the material here and any of these acts or regulations, the acts and regulations shall apply. For specifc help related to these acts please refer to a professional lawyer or a police office.