We are driving down the inside lane closest to the right sidewalk. The two faster lanes beside us are full, bumper to bumper traffic. Overall flow varied from 50 to 60 km/h.
Entering our lane from the parking lot to our right is a red-car which slowly rolls past the sidewalk putting its front end directly in front of our path, blocking half-way into our lane. We are 20+ carlengths away, or 3/4 of a block from them.
Both my driver and myself are watching as the seemingly confused red-car driver finally looks our direction as we approach now 10 carlengths away maintaining our flow speed.
We continue right up to them finally stopping less than 1 meter ( 0 carlengths) from the side of their car. Finally, the somewhat confused red-car driver looks our direction and starts to reverse back into the parking lot.
I ask my driver “You had a meter distance between us and the confused driver. Why didn’t you get closer to them?”
What Does Cooper See?
We saw the confused driver 10 carlengths away.
Why did we go to 0 carlengths?
“I define a Car Crash as – two objects in the same space.” COOPER
So, which one of the above two situations is higher-risk for blue to crash into red? And which one is lower-risk for blue to crash into red?
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