When a client feels they’ve practiced enough and demonstrated all the main maneuvers—like parking, left turns at lights, and lane changes—we set a road test date and run a series of mock tests. 🛣️📅
This is a stark contrast to our usual teamwork-based teaching approach. Typically, we tackle each task together—side by side, with plenty of laughter, sketches, and repetition as needed. 👥🎨✨
But during the mock tests? It’s a complete transformation! I go silent 🤐 and meticulously document every fault, error, and mistake. When we stop, I ask, “Did you pass or fail?”
Your job is to list all the mistakes you made.
Initially, most drivers struggle to recognize their errors. However, after a few rounds of mock tests, clients start to identify their mistakes. With repeated practice, they begin to anticipate errors before they happen and adjust their behaviour accordingly. 🔄
A very powerful tool to focus what you need to prepare for a ICBC Vancouver Driving test.
mock tests, driving maneuvers, teamwork, silent observation, error recognition, repetitive practice, road test preparation

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