I start to think that maybe this driver only looks ahead 1 car length or 3 car lengths at the most.
They certainly are comfortable with moving us within 1 meter of another car when we are on a busy six-lane roadway.
Again my Cooper Eyes keep looking for space when it seems my driver only sees objects: ie cars! ie the red-car directly in front of us. ie the solid lane of busy traffic directly beside us.
Once again I asked why we didn’t get closer to the red-car? We have a full-meter space between us!
Bigger vision scanning, further away from us, would make everything easier, smoother, and lower risk.
This series of post discussions from 1 to 2 to 3 … shows the levels of awareness you can grow into as your scanning gets bigger and faster throughout both your driving lessons and your practice sessions. Even thinking about it in theory will help it grow and improve. Bigger. Better. Further. Faster Eyes!
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