1. Licensees will comply with the Motor Vehicle Act and its regulations and any other relevant and applicable law.

1.1 ​- Licensees will immediately notify ICBC should they be charged with an offence listed under  Divisions 27 or  28 of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations , convicted of an offence listed under  Divisions 27​ or  28​​​ of the Motor Vehicle Act Regulations , or receive a driving suspensi​​on or prohibition.

1.2 – Licensees will not aid, abet, counsel, or overlook any federal or provincial offenses committed by another licensee, a licensee’s agent, or a student in the context of driver training.

2. Licensees will act with honesty and integrity recognizing that they are in a position of trust and authority.

2.1 Licensees will not:

  • act in a misleading or deceptive manner towards customers
  • threaten, harass, physically or verbally abuse customers, other licensees, or ICBC employees or its agents
  • use substances that may affect their ability to conduct driver training, including drugs, alcohol, cannabis, or medication
  • allow customers to drive if they appear to be affected by drugs or alcohol
  • accept or solicit bribes or facilitate the bribery of ICBC employees or agents
  • improperly use their position or knowledge as a licensee for personal benefit

Examples of misconduct:

  • ​Selling or assisting with the sale of a road test appointment
  • Attempting to influence the outcome of a road test by offering gifts or other benefits to a driver examiner or any other ICBC employee or agent
  • Promising a customer that they will pass a road test
3. Licensees will treat all persons equally and with dignity and respect.

3.1 For example, they will not discriminate against a person because of the person’s Indigenous or other racial identity, colour, ancestry, place of origin, religion, marital or family status, physical or mental disabilities, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, or age, pursuant to the Human Rights Code.

Examples of misconduct

  • Refusing service to a person because they are Indigenous
  • Inappropriate language or making obscene gestures or actions in the presence of customers or while conducting driver training
  • Making comments or displaying pictures or written materials depicting racial or sexual stereotypes or other demeaning content
  • Making suggestive or derogatory comments about a person’s physical appearance, racial or ethnic background, sex, gender identity, or sexual orientation
4. Licensees will not engage in sexual harassment or inappropriate touching and will not conduct themselves in a manner that could be construed as sexual harassment.

Examples of misconduct

  • Unnecessary familiarity with customers such as deliberately touching the customer for any reason other than a safety manoeuvre (such as to avoid a crash)
  • Making offensive jokes, lewd comments, or using offensive language
  • Displaying pictures or written materials that can be interpreted as offensive or obscene
  • Initiating communication of a sexual nature or asking questions about personal relationships
5. Licensees will conduct themselves professionally and will strive to strengthen and uphold public confidence in the driver training industry.

5.1 This means that they will:

  • protect the health, safety and wellbeing of customers and other road users
  • comply with all Government orders related to public health and safety
  • respond to customer inquiries or concerns with promptness and courtesy
  • maintain proper standards of dress and personal hygiene
  • ensure driver training vehicles are safe, clean, tidy, and smoke-free

5.2 This means that they will not:

  • conduct themselves in a way that could diminish the reputation of the driver training industry, other licensees, or ICBC or its agents
  • deliver or advertise driver training for which they are unqualified or unlicensed
  • allow private interests to improperly influence professional conduct

Examples of misconduct

  • Permitting a customer to speed or make unsafe driving manoeuvres during lessons
  • Speaking negatively about another licensee to gain a customer’s business
  • Making representations that may be damaging to the reputation of ICBC or its agents
  • Engaging in public confrontations with customers, other licensees, or ICBC employees or agents
  • Wearing clothing with inappropriate language or pictures
  • Smoking, including the use of e-cigarettes or vaping, or allowing others to smoke in a driver training vehicle used for lessons
  • Having customers stop at a coffee shop or restaurant the licensee or their friends and family has a profitable interest in, or may receive a free meal from
  • Running errands or conducting personal business while instructing
6. Licensees will support road safety and the provision of driver licensing services to British Columbians.

6.1 Licensees will not undermine road safety by disrupting the testing and licensing of drivers.

Examples of misconduct

  • Teaching customers the test route rather than teaching how to drive safely
  • Conducting practical training in driver licensing office parking lots during office hours
  • Interfering with driver examiners, examinees or road test vehicles during testing
  • Soliciting business at ICBC offices
  • Using a device to record an ICBC road test route or anyone taking a driver examination
  • Distributing, circulating or publishing video footage taken of driving tests from in-car cameras
  • Sharing photos, audio or video recordings, drawings, notes, or other representations that could undermine the integrity of ICBC testing
  • Requesting or directing a customer to request a specific driver examiner
7. Licensees will not disrupt, undermine, or interfere with ICBC’s road test booking process or ICBC business generally.

7.1 This means that they will fully comply with ICBC’s Road Test Booking Terms and Conditions and must respect ICBC’s road testing process and outcomes.

Examples of misconduct

  • Booking or maintaining a booking for a road test appointment for a customer who does not need a road test or appointment
  • Selling road test appointments
  • Asking for or using a customer’s keyword to book a road test appointment
  • Using a customer’s personal information to book a road test for another customer
  • Failing to promptly cancel a road test appointment when the customer for whom it was booked no longer requires a road test
  • Disclosing a customer’s driver’s licence number to ICBC to book an appointment without obtaining that customer’s prior written consent using the ICBC Student Consent and Release form
  • Becoming hostile with Driver Licensing Office employees about the outcome of a student’s road test
8. Licensees will protect the privacy of customers and safeguard any customer records they possess or control in accordance with any applicable privacy legislation, including the Personal Information Protection Act (PIPA).

8.1 This means that they will not:

  • use customer information without their knowledge and consent
  • use customer information for a purpose other than for which it was collected
  • share customer information with a third party without the customer’s consent

Examples of misconduct

  • Recording a customer without the customer’s consent
  • Using a customer’s information to reserve a road test appointment for another customer
  • Discussing a customer’s road test results with ICBC employees, without the customer’s consent

Source:  ICBC