Heavy traffic demands a clear understanding for left turns.

Left Turns Detailed Requirements for Exam Day Driving

Positioning is critical to ensuring you pass your driving test. Multiple out-of-position will add up and fail you.

Knowing the rules for Cyclists is complicated and very dangerous.

Right Turns Positioning Very Important to Pass

Both positioning and right-of-way understandings are a must for test preparations. Also, did you know there is a waiting position for a right turn?

Moving into your blind area is a risk that must never interfere with other road users.

Lane Changes Slowing Others Is A Fast Fail

Slowing anyone down when changing lanes is a failure to yield a right-of-way offence and will fail you on your test day.

50 km/h is the MAXIMUM under ideal conditions, and driving above it is speeding, which is illegal.

Managing Various Speed Limits throughout The Driving Exam

20, 40, 50, 70, 80 Do you know where all of these apply? If not, any one of them can cause an instant failure.

Parking is a confidence-building skill and requires managing the rear of the car.

Both Stall Parking and Parallel are Typically Required on Test Day

Five different possible parks must be practised enough that you can snap it in quickly and safely when under pressure on your driving test in B.C.

Going for the test is success! Now you know. Keep going!

Failed my ICBC driving exam! What do I do now?

Depending on what the examiner’s notes tell you, you need to take action to keep moving forward to your next exam date. Book it now! Go again.